Varick Memorial AME Zion

New Pastor & First Lady We are happy to introduce the new Pastor at Varick and his lovely wife Rev. Rashaun Booker and Larissa Booker. We are so pleased to have them join us and thankful that they wanted to share a short video to introduce themselves to the congregation.

We say we believe in God, we have faith and things like that, but there are certain requirements. One of them being prayer, and if we start with Prayer Line, we know that prayer is important, but we also know that where two or three gather in his name that he shall be in the midst.

Maybe every time you start going towards your blessing it seems like things keep getting in the way, you keep missing it. It’s coming. The Bible says, “Be not weary in well-doing for in due season you shall reap if you faint not.”
Power Words
Power Words are short sermons broken into
smaller 5 min episodes. Our first series is
Pastor Booker's...
It's Your Turn Now!
Varick Memorial
AME Zion Church
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