Calling All Prayer Warriors






Power in Prayer

The Means of Grace,  it's just really important. It helps us in our spiritual walk, right. We say we believe in God, we have faith and things like that, but there are certain requirements.
One of them being prayer, and if we start with Prayer Line, we know that prayer is important, but we also know that where two or three gather in his name that he shall be in the midst.  But those two or three are really being in agreement on said prayer. Right?

So to have others people praying with and for you, is where so much of God's power is released. We see God working through other people, right?

Prayer Line really helps with that, if you're going through your own life and you've been praying to God about something. You feel like maybe you need some more patience because it's taking too long. Sometimes, you still got to work it out with God, but sometimes it's that you might need to ask somebody else, "come on, let's get with me on this prayer thing", because when the praises and the prayers go up, the blessings absolutely come down. So that's why I think prayer meeting is really important.

Rev. Rashaun Booker

Virtual Prayer Line

Mondays 7pm


We are all in need of prayer, every day. Praying for those who are in need of prayer, including for ourselves is something that's very essential to us.

Nothing is more powerful than coming together as a body of believers to intercede with others. Other than yourself, you can pray for those in the world because the world needs prayer.

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